Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Pre-Check Auto Routing Entry Points

Auto routing entry points are used to select raceway in equipment's proximity that will be considered for cable routing. This procedure describes how to check the selected cables in respect to their connected equipment and their Auto Routing Entry Points to determine if there will be any problems when Auto Routing the entry points.
  1. In the Cable Manager select all cables .
    Note: Cables can be selected individually by clicking on the checkbox corresponding to each cable, while all the cables can be selected by clicking the check box at the topmost row.
  2. Select the Pre-Check Auto Routing Entry Points option from the Ribbon menu.
  3. The following version of the Auto Routing Entry Points dialog displays listing only equipment with connection failures referring to their current cable connections.
  4. In the example above only two equipment components are shown. Both have cable connections for CTRL and LV, but equipment PR2 is shown only with the CTRL connection, because there currently is a connection to the routing model for LV cables.
  5. Right-click on the equipment component and click Visualize to isolate the component in the drawing.
Once any potential routing failures have been identified, you can refer to the To Define or Correct Auto Routing Entry Points topic for details on how to fix the routing errors.